
It's ALL bollocks - yes, ALL of it.

David Icke

piątek, 21 listopada 2014

Dzieci zachcialy Warcrafta.
Pozwolilam wiec zainstalowac wersje za darmo. Do dwudziestego poziomu mozna sobie grac bez placenia.
Ale dzieci coraz wieksze i zachcialo sie im grac na wyzszych poziomach.
Dzieci zobaczyly ze warcraft reklamuje 50% znizki na 1 miesiac. Wiec strasznie mnie meczyly. Ostatecznie Jedrek wydobyl ze mnie obietnice, ze jak sami zarobia, to moga sobie kupic (tzn. ja im kupie, bo potrzebna jest karta kredytowa, a oni zwroca mi pieniadze).
W czwartek zaczal padac snieg, zrobilam z nimi lekcje i mialam wielka ochote troche sie przewietrzyc, wiec wybralam sie na spacer. Snieg padal. Korki byly calkiem duze, szlam szybciej niz samochody.
Wrocilam do domu. Okazalo sie, ze dzieci zabraly sie za biznes odsniezania i zarobily 16 dolarow za 20 minut odsniezajac raptem 2 domy u sasiadow na ulicy.
Coz bylo robic, slowo sie rzeklo kobylka u plotu; kupilam im warcrafta (10 dolarow kosztowal) i teraz mam nastepny problem, bo chca grac przez 24 godziny na dobe...

środa, 12 listopada 2014

Cezanne w Hamilton.
Poszlismy, tytul: The World is An Apple: The Still Lifes of Paul Cezanne.
Raptem 18 obrazow, wszystkie martwe natury i glownie z jablkami.
Przy okazji zobaczylismy reszte galerii, a najbardziej podobala sie chlopakom wspolczesna instalacja z dwoma ekranami wyswietlajaca trojwymiarowe filmy, trzeba bylo oczywiscie nalozyc okulary. Pokoj byl ciemny, dzwieki tajemniczo przytlumione i jakby podwodne, bylismy zanurzeni, i czas jakby stanal. W tych okularach patrzylismy nieruchomo na ekran, na podloge, po ktorej przeplywaly kregi swiatla z projektora, i tak moglibysmy stac i stac...
Zdjec z Cezannem robic nie mozna bylo, ale z innymi artystami jak najbardziej:

   "So a few years after my first teaching tour, I asked him about the types of mindfulness I'd heard about, and he explained to me that what passes for mindfulness practice in many modern cultures were very useful baby steps. So many people, he went on to say, have become used to rushing as a way of life, to getting a lot of things accomplished in a very short time. This habit often results in a disconnection between what we're doing and why we're doing it, a gulf between our actions and the motivation behind them.
   "Always remember," he told me,"that the main goal of any practice is to awaken the heart."
(from Open Heart, Open Mind by Tsoknyi Riponche)

Dzis  ogladalismy "Frozen" (ja tak troche od srodka), strasznie fajny film, (usmielismy sie szczerze z  Olafa balwana, niektore jego powiedzenia byly kapitalne!). Esencja filmu zawiera sie w jednym zdaniu, ktore, zdaje sie, Olaf powiedzial: True love will thaw all the ice.

wtorek, 26 sierpnia 2014

Adres: https://hplkids.wufoo.eu/forms/src-2014-lego-contest-voting/

Jaki adres zapytacie?
Jedrka tworczosc klockowa. Jesli sie komus podoba prosze glosowac na RATATOUILLE  z Barton Branch, czyli Andrew M. lat 10.

środa, 13 sierpnia 2014

Siedze i mysle i patrze w chmury, co tak szybko leca po niebie, i znowu mysle, i sie zastanawiam, i dumam, i dochodze do wniosku, ze
Najtrudniej jest zrozumiec samego siebie.

niedziela, 10 sierpnia 2014

Wypozyczylam ksiazke Michalowi ze zbiorem poezji dzieciecej, i probowalam czytac mu przedwczoraj do spania, oczywiscie Michal nie za bardzo sluchal, a mnie strasznie wciagnelo, i ostatecznie skonczylo sie na odlozeniu ksiazki i drapaniu plecow.
Ale dla milosnikow poezji, kilka wierszy, rozni autorzy, ciekawe przemyslenia...

The Parent
Ogden Nash

Children aren't happy with nothing to ignore,
And that's what parents were created for.

from "Auguries of Innocence"
William Blake

To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.

Happy Thought
Robert Louis Stevenson 

The world is so full of a number of things,
I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings.

In beauty may I walk
From the Navajo translated by Jerome K. Rothenberg

In beauty                                                                       may I walk
All day long                                                                  may I walk
Through the returning seasons                                      may I walk
Beautifully will I possess again
Beautifully birds
Beautifully joyful birds
On the trail marked with pollen                                   may I walk
With grasshoppers about my feet                                may I walk
With dew about my feet                                               may I walk
With beauty                                                                  may I walk
With beauty before me                                                 may I walk
with beauty behind me                                                 may I walk
With beauty above me                                                 may I walk
With beaty all around me                                             may I walk
In old age, wandering on a trail of beaty,
                                                                          lively, may I walk
In old age, wandering on a trail of beaty,
                                                                living again, may I walk
It is finished in beauty
It is finished in beauty

rzeczywiscie noc dzis piekna, swierszcze muzykalne dzis bardzo, a pelnia fantastyczna! (nie darmo tu mowia na to zjawisko Supermoon! ogladalam przez lornetke, takie to okragle i sloneczne dzis w nocy!) i ponoc dzis roj perseidow!!! Ide ogladac!

sobota, 9 sierpnia 2014

poniedziałek, 14 kwietnia 2014

Nie chce sie chwalic, nie chce sie chwalic...

ALE MAM ZOLTY PAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


 w karate oczywiscie :)
Mercola ostatnio bombarduje artykulami o waznosci witaminy D (pewnie dlatego, ze wiosna idzie :)).
Wczorajszy artykul traktuje o zwiazku miedzy wit D a zapobieganiem raka piersi, obnizaniem "niedobrego" cholesterolu i zapobieganiem autyzmu u dzieci.
W duzym skrocie: wit D reguluje 10 procent genow i jest absolutnie konieczna w zwalczaniu chorob i utrzymywaniu zdrowia. Produkuje ponad 200 peptydow z ktorych jednym  z bardzo waznych jest cathelicidin, naturalnie wystepujacy antybiotyk.
Niektorzy twierdza, ze 90 procent raka piersi jest scisle zwiazany z niedoborem witaminy D. Niski poziom witaminy D (17 ng/ml) we krwi to norma u pacejntow chorych na raka piersi w Stanach Zj.
Witamina D posiada wiele antyrakowych cech: powoduje smierc komorek rakowych (apoptosis) i wstrzymuje budowe naczyn krwionosnych, ktore odzywiaja komorki rakowe (angiogenesis).
Ilosc wit D we krwi powinna znajdowac sie pomiedzy 30 a 80 ng/ml. Niektore badania potwierdzaja za 50 ng/ml oznacza obnizenie pojawienia sie raka o 50 procent.
By utrzymac normalny poziom wit D (ok 40ng/ml) nalezaloby przyjmowac co najmniej powiedzy 1000 IU dziennie do 8000 IU.
Badania wykazaly, ze toksycznosc wit D nawet w ilosci 40 000 IU dziennie jest malo prawdopodobna. Warto dodac, ze organizm ludzi potrafi przyswoic dziennie 20 000 IU bez zadnego uszczerbku - kiedy przebywamy na sloncu.
Bardzo ciekawe sa tez badania wykazujace zwiazek braku wit D u kobiet w ciazy i pozniejsze przypadki autyzmu u dzieci. Okazuje sie, ze wit D aktywuje gen odpowiedzialny za produkcje TPH2 (tryptophan hydrolaxe 2). TPH2 jest enzymem ktory z kolei przetwarza tryptophan w serotonin. Oxytocin i vasopressin takze sa aktywowane przez wit D.
Jesli ktos chce sie dowiedziec wiecej: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/04/13/vitamin-d-breast-cancer-prevention.aspx?e_cid=20140413Z1_SNL_Art_1&utm_source=snl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20140413Z1&et_cid=DM42617&et_rid=484891535

wtorek, 25 marca 2014

Dzis dzieci dostaly medale. Tym razem z okazji dobrego uczenia sie na Kumonie.
...Calkiem duzo tych medali... (a reszta rodziny miala okazje zjesc torta, niektorzy, najmniejsi, dostali dokladke)
Z pozdrowieniami dla Babci i Dziadka:

czwartek, 20 marca 2014

"Conversations with God"
str. 54: "The First Law is that you can be, do, and have whatever you can imagine. The second Law is that you attract what you fear."
str. 82: "The frustration and anxiety comes from not listening to one's soul."
str. 98: "Enlightenment is understanding that there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, and nobody you have to be except exactly who you're being right now.
You are on a journey to nowhere.
Heaven - as you call it - is nowhere. Let's just put some space between the w and the h in that word and you'll see that heaven is now...here."
Bede czytac dalej.
I'll keep you posted.

wtorek, 18 marca 2014

Wczorajsza rozmowa z dziecmi:
"Gabrysiu, to co w szkole wczoraj robiliscie?"
"Caly dzien rozmawialismy o narkotykach i uzaleznieniach."
"Wiesz mama co to sa magic mushrooms?"
"They call them also angel dust, devil's heart (or ride) and some people want to hallucinate so they boil them and drink it. Cannabis is called smash, H, horse, weed, pot. People go to the store for cleaning supplies because they contains hush oil made from cannabis leaves and use those cleaning supplies not exactly as cleaning supplies. Cigarettes contain over 4000 chemicals (like jet fuel)."
"To co jeszcze wam powiedzieli?"
"Do you want fun facts or all the facts?"

(W tym momencie nie moge juz wytrzymac i postanawiam zabrac swoje dzieci ze szkoly jak najszybciej sie da.)

Jest tyle rzeczy, ktorych nalezaloby sie nauczyc, a marnuje sie czas na cos takiego... Czy szkola chce wychowac moje dzieci na narkomanow, hodowcow marihuany czy handlarzy?
Czemu nikt nie uczy o peniadzach, jak kupic dom, jak naprawic samochod, jak gotowac chociazby,
albo jak sadzic pomidory, zeby bylo co jesc, jak przyjdzie bieda?

Nie wspomne o tym, ze uczniowie dowiedzieli sie tez jak uzywac tego wszystkiego czego nie powinni uzywac...
Bez komentarza.

czwartek, 13 marca 2014

Slucham Wayna Dyera "Advancing Your Spirit" i tam autor przytacza fragment wiersza Khalila Gibrana "Children". Pozwalam sobie przytoczyc wiersz w calosci:

"And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, 'Speak to us of Children.'

And he said:

Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.

They come through you but not from you,

And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts.

For they have their own thoughts.

You may house their bodies but not their souls,

For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.

For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.

The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.

Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;

For even as he loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable."

sobota, 8 marca 2014

Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji dnia kobiet zycze dla wszystkich mezczyzn.
Kobietom tez tego zycze, czemu nie.
Z okazji dnia kobiet moj najstarszy syn stwierdzil, ze rozbije sobie glowe skaczac po stole i stukajac sie o zyrandol. (Nie Babciu, wszystko jest w porzadku i nie trzeba dostawac zawalu serca, tylko lekkie rozciecie, ale poprosilo sie o szwy). Wiec caly ranek Gabrys i jego tata spedzili w przychodni. Dostal trzy niebieskie szwy, posmarowali mu glowe jakas mascia i wrocil do domu. Wrocil w bardzo dobrym humorze. Okazalo sie, ze w przychodni bylo mnostwo atrakcji (to w sumie nie przychodnia, ale i nie szpital, takie cos pomiedzy), bo jakis gosciu mial zawal serca, i lekarz byl mily i wiadomo nowe twarze, wiec super!
Tak wiec juz wrocil i wszystko jest w porzadku i juz sie cieszy, ze za tydzien do szkoly nie bedzie musial isc, bo trzeba bedzie isc zdjac szwy (niebieskie oczywiscie).
Czekajac na syna (reszta siedziala cicho jak myszy pod miotla) zaczelam sprzatac. Wiec z okazji dnia kobiet umylam podloge (porzadnie na kolanach), tudziez szafki z kazdej strony i, sukces prosze panstwa, bo z okazji dnia kobiet wymienilam wreszcie filtry do wody pod zlewem.
I im zapowiedzialam, ze jak ktorys zacznie zachowywac sie w przyspieszonym tempie i zbyt przypadkowo, dostana w dupe pasem. Lepiej zeby tylki bolaly, niz szwy zakladali.
Ewa napisala mi niedawno piekny list. Postanowilam tez odpisac na papierze (juz mam 3 strony wypelnione), ale jak to zwykle wolno idzie. Dobrze by bylo by w glowie byla taka automatyczna zapisywarka, ktora w kazdej chwili bylaby w stanie przywolac co dokladnie chcielismy powiedziec w liscie (bo ja mowie do Ewy czesto w formie pisanych listow w glowie na spacerze, w sklepie, czekajac, tylko nie ma tego jak zapisac, a potem szybko ucieka, zostaje tylko taki daleki smaczek, ze cos mielismy waznego i ciekawego przekazac, ale nijak dokladnie sobie przypomniec nie mozemy), bo to nie jest tak, ze sie siada i pisze (przynajmniej nie w moim przypadku), to tak nachodzi falami.
I Ewa wyslala mi tez mejla, pytajac, czy dostalam list i ze pogoda bardzo wiosenna! Pozwole sobie przytoczyc:
"mnie luty zleciał tak prędko,że w ogóle nie pamiętam,że był. sprasował się, skupił...przeskoczyło jakby kartki sklejone w kalendarzu. może dlatego trudno mi się zorientować, że to już chyba wiosna :) kilka dni temu widzialam nad swoimi blokami żurawie, a dzisiaj na łąkach - przepiękne bazie.
i coraz wyższe temperatury, choć jeszcze szaro, ale to już ku słońcu..."
Hmmm, bazie, zurawie... to teraz pokaze jak wyglada wiosna w Hamilton na zdjeciach (zdjecia z piatku ze spaceru, bo dzieci w domu z okazji konferencji):


 I Michal na szufli wsparty w srode, zastanawia sie pewnie kiedy ta wiosna przyjdzie...

I jeszcze prognoza pogody na nastepne dwa tygodnie z Weather Network:

Byle do wiosny...

środa, 5 marca 2014

Dzis z rana zaczelo sie robic troche cieplej i zamiast  -25stopni bylo tylko  -10. Gdy wracalam do domu po odprowadzeniu Michala do szkoly uslyszalam jednego z uczniow: "Finally it's warm!!! We can play outside!!!" A jedna z mam powiedziala: "Canadian kids..."

niedziela, 2 marca 2014

Gabrys wczoraj jezdzil na kiermasz naukowy (chyba tak sie tlumaczy science fair).
Wiec kilka zdjec dla rodziny:

N. D. Walsch:
"So much of the lack of happiness that we feel in our lives emerges from our judgments. We tend to judge everything. The people around us, the circumstances they present, the events of the moment, and, of course, ourselves. (...) What I am saying here is that judgement has no place in a loving heart. Yet remember, judgement is not discernment, and observation is not judgement. It is perfectly healthy to be discerning, and it is perfectly natural to make observations. An 'observation' says 'what's so'. A judgement says 'so what?'"

"Nothing presents a bigger obstacle to long-lasting happiness (or, for that matter, short-term happiness) than expectations. Drop them immediately, and never entertain them again, about anyone or anything.
Forget about how you think things 'should' be. There is no such thing as 'should' in the universe. 'Should' is a made-up human construction, having nothing to do with ultimate reality."
"Happier than God". Polecam. Cos jak nowa biblia.

czwartek, 20 lutego 2014

Fajnie jest, jak dzieci do spania czytaja ksiazki, nawet te najmniejsze... Wieczorem wszyscy sa juz w lozkach, zachodze do Gabrysia, czyta, zachodze do Michasia, czyta, zachodze do Jedrka, czyta...

Ja tez czytam, czyli ciag dalszy N. D. Walscha "Happier than God":

"'That's not true!' you may protest. 'I don't want to feel bad, I just do.' Yet this is not so - and the sooner you understand this, the sooner you will move to mastery in your daily living. You do want to feel bad or you wouldn't. The trick is to look deeply into the moment to see why you want to feel bad. The answer to this question unlocks everything."

"Every act is an act of self-definition.
This includes the act of doing nothing..."

"There are really only two basic questions to ask in life:
1. What can I give to another?
2. What can I give to myself?
It is important to never reverse the order of the questions."

"(...) God said (...):
'Your life does not have to be such a  continuing struggle. The problem is simple. You think your life is about you. Your life is not about you.'
'It isn't?' I asked.
'No,' God answered.
'Well, then who in the world is it about?'
'Everyone in the world.'"

"And everything that you create, you experience. This is because, ultimately, all things that proceed from you come back to you. And this is because there is 'no one else in the room.' There is no one but you, in multiple form. The very first spiritual principle revealed in Conversations with God is: 'We Are All One.'"

"The answer: if God really is the All-In-All, the Alpha and the Omega, then there can be nowhere in us that God is not. In fact, there is nowhere in anything that God is not. God is everywhere, and is made manifest in everything.
This brings us back to the Unspoken Truth. If God is everywhere in you, if there is nowhere in you that God is not, then God is you.
And everything else.
Once you understand this, you cannot imagine that life is about 'you' ever again. Not in the sense of 'you' having to be, do, or have anything in particular in order to be happy. Not in the sense of you 'needing' anything, or requiring anything, in order to survive.
Living in this truth makes it extremely difficult to get 'caught up' in the minor daily 'dramas' of life as it is currently lived by most people on the earth, and provides a fresh perspective on the really major tragedies and turmoil of our species."

"This means that I truly have been made in the image and likeness of God!
And so have you.
On a strictly personal level, this means that you have no need for everything at all, and so you can drop all of your personal day-to-day 'dramas' right now. Since you are everything you could ever imagine that you need or desire, what is there to be agitated about?
You desire love? You are love. You desire abundance? You are abundance. You desire compassion, forgiveness, understanding? You are compassion, forgiveness, understanding."

"Therefore, think only what you choose to experience, say only what you choose to make real, and use your mind to consciously instruct your body to do only what you choose to demonstrate as your highest reality. This is how you create at the conscious level."

środa, 19 lutego 2014

Nie poszlam na karate, bo nie bylo srodkow transportu :(
wiec bede pisac.
Neal Donald Walsch, "Happier than God". Pozwolcie na duzo cytatow:

"Life was meant to be happy."

"It's true.
We no longer need God.
In fact, we never needed God.
We do need God for anything."

"How can we 'need 'something that we always have, that we cannot not have under any circumstances, that we can always use, and that we cannot  not  use no matter how we might deny that we are?
You cannot not have God in your life, as part of your life, and this is something that many people cannot believe. They can't believe the highest promise of God: I am always with you, even unto the end of time.
You cannot not use God, even if you deny that you are, and this is something else that many people cannot believe. They can't accept the most wonderful truth taught by all religions, each in their own way:
Ask and you shall receive."

"Many people believe that life was meant to have a lot of pain in it. Suffering should be 'offered up' to God. It should be endured in silence.That earns you points in heaven.
Our culture has so completely adopted this idea that some people don't want to be happy all the time. When you talk about how you can be 'happier than God' they become fidgety, uncomfortable. They warn that you're being 'unrealistic'. You may even be 'trafficking with the devil'.
They will tell you that life was meant to be unhappy. Life is a trial. It's school. 'No pain, no gain,' and all that. People in large numbers believe this. When you say to them that life was never meant to be unhappy, that no one has to be unhappy ever, they look at you cross-eyed. They don't know where to go with it. Often, they'll tell you where to go with it..."

"The way to move out of judgment is to move into gratitude."
 "When gratitude replaces judgment, peace spreads throughout your body, gentleness embraces your soul, wisdom fills your mind. Let gratitude replace judgment and your whole experience of life will take a turn for the better in five seconds."

"What you resist, persists. That is because, by your continued attention to it in a negative way, you continue to place it there. You cannot resist something that is not there. When you resist something, you place it there. By focusing angry or frustrated energy on it, you actually give it more life.
This is why all great masters have urged us to 'resist not evil'. Do not fight that which is opposite to your stated desire or your preferred outcome. Rather, relax into it."

"It is through true Wisdom that we understand something quite extraordinary about life in physical form: all of physicality is an illusion.
(...) God says that we are like magicians who have forgotten our own tricks. We are living in an 'Alice in Wonderland' world, where we swear that what is 'so' is 'not so', and that what is 'not so' is 'so'. Yet, the fact that we are living in an illusion is what makes our lives so exciting, and their possibilities so endless. For only in fantasy can we have anything we want, and do anything we please, and create anything we desire.
Lewis Carol wrote:
'There is no use trying,' said Alice, 'one can't believe impossible things.'
'I dare say you haven't had much practice,' said the Queen. 'Why, I believe six impossible things before breakfast!'
 The trick in all this, of course, is to know how to live with the Illusion, and not within it. Or, as the Bible says it, to be 'in this world, but not of it'."

"1. Nothing in this world is real.
2. The meaning of everything is the meaning I give it.
3. I am who I say I am, and my experience is what I say it is."

Tyle madrosci udalo mi sie przepisac, ksiazka jest fenomenalna. Nie wiem czy po polsku jest przetlumaczona. Fajnie byloby nauczyc sie tego wszystkiego na pamiec.
Reszta mam nadzieje pozniej. (A teraz ide sie odmrazac, bo jadlam mrozone truskawki ze smietana).

niedziela, 16 lutego 2014

Zaczelam czytac bardzo fajna ksiazke  N. D. Walscha "Happier than God". Zaczyna sie wierszem em. Claire:

God says for me to tell you this:

Nothing needs fixing;
everything desires A Celebration.
You were made to bend 
so that you could discover 
all of the many Miracles 
at your feet.
You were made to stretch
so that you could find
Your Own Beautiful Face of Heaven

just above

all that you think you must shoulder.

When I appeal to God
to speak to me,
I am feeling just as small
and alone
as you are.
But this is when,
for no good reason at all,

I begin to Shine.
(Begin to Shine - 2007 em.Claire)
Za Jedrkiem wyspa kormoranow.

I wyspa kormoranow znowu, doszlismy tam po lodzie tydzien temu.

W lecie mnostwo kormoranow sie gniezdzi na wyspie. Tym razem moglismy zobaczyc gniazda z bliska. (bez kormoranow... ale...)
 Zobaczylismy calkiem z bliska jastrzebia, ktory sie chowal przed sniegiem:
I widac tez sarne, ktora sobie siedzi w sniegu.

Oprocz tego sikorki, dziecioly i chyba kowaliki (akurat nie na zdjeciu):

Cytat z "Facetow w czerni", ktory zawsze wraca:
Edwards: Why the big secret? People are smart. They can handle it.
Kay: A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.

Na przyklad, mozna latac:
 Jedrek musial miec rakiete zamiast plecaka...

Oprocz tego Budda:
"There are four things in this world:
1. All living beings rise from ignorance.
2. All objects of desire are impermanent, uncertain and  suffering.
3. All existing things are also impermanent, uncertain and suffering.
4. There's nothing that can be called an ego and there's no such thing as mind in all the world."

Bearded dragon (prawda, ze fajny? jakby nie bylo smok)
i zielona mamba (ktos ja pieknie nazwal):

 Dzieci tak szybko balwana lepily, ze trudno je bylo zlapac aparatem.
 Taki duzy okragly kolczasty kaktus byl niedaleko, i Michal rzucil: Ale by bylo, gdyby na tym usiasc... (pewnie mnostwo kolcow do wyjmowania)

A tu ciuchcia jezdzila, gdy byla wystawa modeli (Mackowi by sie pewnie strasznie podobala)
I Jedrek w wasach. Czy to tak naprawde on?

środa, 1 stycznia 2014

artykul jak pozbyc sie raka stosujac odpowiednia diete. Chodzi o diete bez cukru i weglowodanow, za to bazujaca na tluszczach (maslo (organiczne), avokado, olej kokosowy, olej z oliwek, tluszcz zwierzecy (organiczny)). W ten sposob komorki rakowe umieraja z glodu, bo nie sa w stanie, tak jak zdrowe komorki, przerobic tluszczu na energie.
Artykul w calosci: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/03/10/ketogenic-diet.aspx

Deepak Chopra napisal "The Deeper Wound (Recovering the Soul from Fear and Suffering)".
Druga czesc ksiazki zawiera "A Hundred Days of Healing", gdzie znajdziemy krotka lekcje na kazdy dzien. Dzis mamy pierwszy dzien Nowego Roku i jako rezolucje na ten rok chcialam zamiescic Dzien 38:

"I have no need to defend my point of view.

This affirmation is about tolerance. Merely tolerating another person is a distortion of true tolerance. True tolerance comes about when you no longer have to defend your own point of view.You can honor someone else's while yet not adopting it. To reach such a positions means you have discarded judgement, which insist that one viewpoint must be right and another wrong. You must also discard attachment, which says that my opinion must be valued first and foremost. With these two steps, the basis for defending your point of view disappears. At the soul level you have already taken both steps, because your true self has experienced every point of view. It sees them as equal products of the isolated "I", and therefore subject to constant change. There is no reason to defend the shifting sands of ego and personality as if it was solid ground."

i Dzien 60:

"When I feel the urge to struggle,
I will stop and wait for guidance.

This affirmation is about efficiency in action. In our society we have glorified struggle, as if getting anything the easy way is cheating. In truth spirit arranges the easy way, out of love for us. It is important to realize that you deserve to fulfill your needs easily. Don't glorify the pain and struggle that arise from ego's limited vision. Expect the best outcome for yourself in any situation, and then accept with grace the result that you receive. It is the best you can do at this stage of your path."

i z Dnia 61 "In all circumstances I want to act with the least effort" ostatnie zdanie:

"At the level of the soul, you already possess everything by doing nothing at all."