
It's ALL bollocks - yes, ALL of it.

David Icke

wtorek, 20 sierpnia 2013

Artykul Mercoli. Moze sie komus przyda, kto wie.

I koncowka, gdzie jest rada, co robic, gdy sie juz raka zlapie:

What to Do if You Already Have Cancer

Without a doubt the most powerful essential strategy I know of to treat cancer is to starve the cells by depriving them of their food source. Unlike your body cells, which can burn carbs or fat for fuel, cancer cells have lost that metabolic flexibility. Dr. Otto Warburg was actually given a Nobel Prize over 75 years ago for figuring this out but virtually no oncologist actually uses this information.
You can review my recent interview with Dr. D’Agostino below for more details but integrating a ketogenic diet with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which is deadly to cancer cells by starving them of their fuel source, would be the strategy I would recommend to my family if they were diagnosed with cancer.

1 komentarz:

  1. a czemu nie ma nic nowego? rok szkolny się zaczął, może jakieś nowe fotki? lub info o kanadyjskiej szkole???
