
It's ALL bollocks - yes, ALL of it.

David Icke

wtorek, 20 sierpnia 2013

Artykul Mercoli. Moze sie komus przyda, kto wie.

I koncowka, gdzie jest rada, co robic, gdy sie juz raka zlapie:

What to Do if You Already Have Cancer

Without a doubt the most powerful essential strategy I know of to treat cancer is to starve the cells by depriving them of their food source. Unlike your body cells, which can burn carbs or fat for fuel, cancer cells have lost that metabolic flexibility. Dr. Otto Warburg was actually given a Nobel Prize over 75 years ago for figuring this out but virtually no oncologist actually uses this information.
You can review my recent interview with Dr. D’Agostino below for more details but integrating a ketogenic diet with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which is deadly to cancer cells by starving them of their fuel source, would be the strategy I would recommend to my family if they were diagnosed with cancer.

wtorek, 6 sierpnia 2013

Na jeden dzien zrobilismy wypad do Niagary. Michal jeszcze nie widzial (bo jak byl, to spal, huk wody dobrze na sen robil, Dziadek moze potwierdzic). Gabrys i Jedrek tez niewiele pamietali, to sie wybralismy (raptem pol godziny z Hamilton).
Woda wciaz spada, huk tak jak wczesniej, kupa ludzi, kropelki wody fruwaja w powietrzu. Nawet fajnie.

 Gwoli wyjasnienia, jesli chodzi o podrapanego Gabrysia. Nie, nikt go nie pobil. Nie, nikt go popchnal, nikt mu nogi nie podstawil. Nikt nie rzucil w niego niczym. Nikogo w okolicy nie bylo jak to sie stalo. Co sie stalo? No jakos ponoc biegl i na prostej drodze sie przewrocil... Jak? Nie mam pojecia... Bo jak mozna sie podrapac na nosie, czole, skroni, rece i nodze jednoczesnie? Aha, ponoc byl slyszalny huk i wszyscy mysleli, ze sciana sie zawalila.

I oczywiscie trudno znalezc zdjecia, gdzie wszyscy w miare sie dobrze zachowuja. Tu na przyklad Michal zlosliwie robi Einsteina, choc wszyscy go prosili, by przestal.

To niesamowite, ze im wiecej sie czyta, tym wiecej ciekawych rzeczy sie odkrywa...
Ostatnio pomalu, bo wozac dzieci na Kumon, w godzinie wolnego czasu, czytalam "When everything changes change everything" N. D. Walscha. I oczywiscie cytat:
   "You are not a human being. You are not the person named John Smith or Mary Jones. You are not your body, you are not your mind, and you are not your soul. These are things that You have. The You that has these things - indeed, that has given your Self these things - is far bigger than any of them, and even all of them put together.
   The You that you are is God, in Particular Form. You are Deity Individuated. You are an aspect of Divinity. And so is everyone and everything else.
   The whole realm in which you live and breathe and have your being is Heaven. The Kingdom of God is not something to which you are striving to return, but something within which you are living now. It is the place where you will be always, and all ways."

Jak to pisalam, zdalam sobie sprawe, jak trudno to powyzej napisane jest zrozumiec dla wiekszosci.
i zostawie to tak bez komentarza.

Co jeszcze jest ciekawe, w ksiazce sa powkladane wiersze, i przyznam, bardzo mi w zrozumieniu i odczuciu przypasowaly. Jeden z nich:

            "Go outside and play!"
said God.
"I have given you Universes as fields to run free in!
And here - take this and wrap yourself in it - 
It's called: LOVE
and it will always, always keep you warm.
And stars! The sun and the moon and the stars!
Look upon these often, for they will remind you of your own 
And yes... oh, gaze into the eyes of every Lover.
Gaze into the eyes of every other
for they have given you their Universes
as fields to run free in.
I have given you everything you need. 
Now go, go, go outside 

"Go Outside and Play", Em Claire
Bylismy na pikniku. Glownym daniem byla swinka na ruszcie, ale jakos tak smutno sie robi, bo swinka doslownie ukrzyzowana...