Jeden z moich bardziej ulubionych wierszy na dobranoc (w wykonaniu Shela Silversteina):
There are hungry monsters under my bed,
Growlin’ at me ‘cause they haven’t been fed.”
That’s what Harry McGilly said.
His father just smiled and said,
“Ho-ho-ho, fraidy-cat Harry,
Monsters are just imaginary.”
But Harry McGilly cried out all night,
“There are hungry monsters -
I know I’m right.”
So just to prove that Harry was silly,
Under the bed crawled Mr. McGilly.
Harry heard a “chomp”, he heard a “slurp,”
He heard a “gulp,” he heard a “burp.”
And now little Harry sleeps sound in his bed,
‘Cause there are no monsters, as father said,
(And if there are – well – they’ve been fed.)
Good Night!!!!!
tez to lubię! dobranoc!!!