
It's ALL bollocks - yes, ALL of it.

David Icke

niedziela, 9 września 2012

"Again, often meditate how swiftly all things that subsist, and all things that are done in the world, are carried away, and as it were conveyed out of sight: for both the substance themselves, we see as a flood, are in a continual flux; and all actions in perpetual change; and the causes themselves, subject to thousand alterations, neither is there anything almost, that may ever be said to be now settled and constant Next unto this, and which follows upon it, consider both the infiniteness of the time already past, and the immense vastness of that which is to come, wherein all things are to be resolved and annihilated. Art not thou then a very fool, who for these things, art either puffed up with pride, or distracted with cares, or canst find in thy heart to make such moans as for  a thing that would trouble thee for a very long time? Consider the whole universe, whereof thou art but a very little part, and the whole age of the world together, whereof but a short and very momentary portion is alloted unto thee, and all the fates and destinies together, of which how much is it that comes to thy part and share!"

Fragmenty "Medytacji" Marka Aureliusza, ktore wlasnie zaladowalam z internetu z Otwartej Biblioteki (Open Library) do Kobo. Pierwsze strony sa zeskanowane, i widac numer biblioteczny pisany recznie, oryginalne pierwsze strony, ex libris. Jest to pierwsza edycja z 1906 roku, z lutego.
I znalazla sie ta ksiazka, pisana tak dawno temu, przez internet tu na moim e-readerze (a jaki jest polski odpowiednik tego slowa?).
Otwieram prawie usta z podziwu, bo wlasnie przejrzalam jakie ogromne ilosci ksiazek (e-ksiazek) jest dostepnych przez internet - za darmo.
Moja biblioteka wzbogacila sie o Marka Aureliusza, jak widac powyzej, Hrabiego Monte Christo, Eseje Emersona, Walden and On the Duty of Civil Disobedience Thoreau, Maszyne czasu Wellsa, Podroz do srodka ziemi J. Verne'a, Piotrusia Pana J.M. Barriego oprocz sciagnietych wczesniej z biblioteki Sorosa Financial Turmoil in Europe and the United States.
I jakos mlodz tez uzywa Kobo. Chyba najbardziej im sie podoba, ze ekran jest na dotyk (a nasze dzieci sa trzymane z daleka od ostatnich nowinek technicznych), wiec fakt ze moga przewracac kartki w ten sposob zdecydowanie dodaje uroku.
Pozdrowienia z ogromnej biblioteki!

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