Fajnie jest, jak dzieci do spania czytaja ksiazki, nawet te najmniejsze... Wieczorem wszyscy sa juz w lozkach, zachodze do Gabrysia, czyta, zachodze do Michasia, czyta, zachodze do Jedrka, czyta...
Ja tez czytam, czyli ciag dalszy N. D. Walscha "Happier than God":
"'That's not true!' you may protest. 'I don't want to feel bad, I just do.' Yet this is not so - and the sooner you understand this, the sooner you will move to mastery in your daily living. You do want to feel bad or you wouldn't. The trick is to look deeply into the moment to see why you want to feel bad. The answer to this question unlocks everything."
"Every act is an act of self-definition.
This includes the act of doing nothing..."
"There are really only two basic questions to ask in life:
1. What can I give to another?
2. What can I give to myself?
It is important to never reverse the order of the questions."
"(...) God said (...):
'Your life does not have to be such a continuing struggle. The problem is simple. You think your life is about you. Your life is not about you.'
'It isn't?' I asked.
'No,' God answered.
'Well, then who in the world is it about?'
'Everyone in the world.'"
"And everything that you create, you experience. This is because, ultimately, all things that proceed from you come back to you. And this is because there is 'no one else in the room.' There is no one but you, in multiple form. The very first spiritual principle revealed in Conversations with God is: 'We Are All One.'"
"The answer: if God really is the All-In-All, the Alpha and the Omega, then there can be nowhere in us that God is not. In fact, there is nowhere in anything that God is not. God is everywhere, and is made manifest in everything.
This brings us back to the Unspoken Truth. If God is everywhere in you, if there is nowhere in you that God is not, then God is you.
And everything else.
Once you understand this, you cannot imagine that life is about 'you' ever again. Not in the sense of 'you' having to be, do, or have anything in particular in order to be happy. Not in the sense of you 'needing' anything, or requiring anything, in order to survive.
Living in this truth makes it extremely difficult to get 'caught up' in the minor daily 'dramas' of life as it is currently lived by most people on the earth, and provides a fresh perspective on the really major tragedies and turmoil of our species."
"This means that I truly have been made in the image and likeness of God!
And so have you.
On a strictly personal level, this means that you have no need for everything at all, and so you can drop all of your personal day-to-day 'dramas' right now. Since you are everything you could ever imagine that you need or desire, what is there to be agitated about?
You desire love? You are love. You desire abundance? You are abundance. You desire compassion, forgiveness, understanding? You are compassion, forgiveness, understanding."
"Therefore, think only what you choose to experience, say only what you choose to make real, and use your mind to consciously instruct your body to do only what you choose to demonstrate as your highest reality. This is how you create at the conscious level."